Do Australian Shepherd Puppies Bite a Lot?
Last Updated on February 25, 2024
Do Australian Shepherd puppies bite a lot? No, Australian shepherds are not biters if you provide them with proper care and training. Australian shepherds are herding dogs; by this nature, they are more likely to bite at your heels or herd children or other animals than other dog breeds.
Australian shepherd dog breeds tend to be shyer around new people than other dog breeds; being more aggressive around new people out of fear can lead to biting. It does mean that your Australian shepherds are more likely to bite you aggressively.
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Why your Australian Shepherd Puppy is biting
All dog breeds, especially when they are puppies, tend to bite and display some propensity to bite or nip at those around them. This behaviour is normal, and it can be an act of playfulness or a reaction to painful stimuli like tooth pain. So, it would be best if you had to be worried about this behaviour.
If your Australian Shepherd puppies biting behaviour becomes habitual, you must address it as a potential issue. In particular, when it comes to Australian Shepherd dog breeds, you need to understand by differentiating whether their biting behaviour is instinctive or responsive to biting.
To be more precise, it is essential to understand, primarily, as they were initially bred as work dogs to herd sheep. If your Australian Shepherd puppies are bred as working dogs, they will display assertive herding instinct behaviour between the ages of four and six months. At this time, you will find your Australian Shepherd puppies chasing after other pets or people as they perceive the need to be herded back into place.
To understand why Do Australian Shepherd puppies bite a lot, try to understand the reason for your Australian Shepherd puppies’ inclination to bite. Please spend some time with your Australian Shepherd puppies to find the root cause of their biting behaviour.
How do I know if my Australian Shepherd Puppies has a biting problem?
Do Australian Shepherd puppies bite a lot? You need to understand their biting problem. Typically Australian Shepherd puppies stop biting when they are around ten months of age. It doesn’t mean your Australian Shepherd puppies have a biting problem; maybe your Australian Shepherd puppies need some more time sooner or later to stop their biting behaviour.
Not all dogs are the same, every dog has its uniqueness regardless of its breed, and they will start to develop their behaviour according to their uniqueness. The ten-month time frame doesn’t fit all the dogs’ categories, which is just an assumption.
If your Australian Shepherd puppies grow into adulthood and continue to struggle with biting despite reminders and training. In that case, you need to consult a professional trainer or veterinarian to ease your struggle. Some shepherd breeds also struggle with biting problems like nipping and biting due to their breed instincts or guarding or territorial traits.
How do I stop my Australian Shepherd Puppies from biting?
There are several methods to stop your Australian Shepherd puppies from biting; some may work better than others, and some may be less effective. As an Australian Shepherd Dog Breed parent, you must find reliable methods for your and your Australian Shepherd puppies.
Do Australian Shepherd puppies bite a lot? You might play with your Australian Shepherd puppies roughly or until they begin to hurt or bite you. When this happens, let your Australian Shepherd puppies know that what they have done is wrong by your behaviour, like something fake crying, and let them come to you and lick you as an apology.
Repeat the above faking behaviour methods; if it appears not working with your Australian Shepherd puppies, then you need to stop and move on to other methods. Each time your Australian Shepherd puppies bites, you can be told in a matter-of-fact tone, “no bite”, and then place them on their crate or move them to another area for a time-out.
When your Australian Shepherd puppies bite, you say “Ouch” in a loud and high-pitched voice, stop communicating with your Aussie and ignore them for a few minutes. Train your Australian Shepherd puppies without any pressure to respond to the sound like Ouch. Repeating this practice slowly and continuously can help you avoid Do Australian Shepherd puppies bite a lot of problems.
Remember, patience and consistent training is the key to success. Give a treat when you get a positive response from your Australian Shepherd puppies and provide proper training for your Australian Shepherd puppies and be patient. If your Australian Shepherd puppies don’t respond to your call or command, be gentle with them, and don’t hurt them, so they stop focusing on you.
Training methods like the above can be repeated as often as necessary for your Australian Shepherd puppies to get the idea. Note that you are not only limited to the above practice; you can always try the better convenient way that works for your and your Australian Shepherd puppies.
Even after several attempts, Do Australian Shepherd puppies bite a lot? If you are seeing no improvement in your training, you need to visit your veterinarian to understand if your Australian Shepherd puppies have any medical issues.
If your Australian Shepherd puppies are medically fit and don’t respond to your command, get help from your nearby trainer to stop the biting problem with your Australian Shepherd puppies.